
Health Service/Illness During the Day

If a child becomes ill during the school day, a nurse is available.  Students will be given a pass to the nurse.  If it is necessary, someone will accompany the student to the nurse's office.  If the nurse is not there at the moment, students should go directly to the Main Office.  Students are not allowed to contact parents without permission from the nurse or office.  For safety reasons, students contacting parents to dismiss them from school without the knowledge of school personnel will not be released from the building.  All medications prescribed by a doctor to be taken during school hours must be brought directly to the school nurse by a parent or guardian.  Written authorization from the doctor and the parent must accompany the medication.  Medicines must not be carried by the student. 

You can email our nurses at

Stephanie Elliott, BSN, RN

Amy Bua, BSN, RN